“With You Always” is the programme of preparation for parents and families requesting Baptism for their children. It takes place in parishes throughout our local mission area and is lead by trained catechists.
Across the LMA, we endeavour to have a friendly and meaningful approach to the Sacrament of Baptism.
It is our aim to support families in their role as first teachers of faith, the little domestic church.
“May they be the best of teachers” Rite of Baptism.
We hope that the process of preparation for Baptism will reflect the welcome and acceptance always found in our own parish of St. Vincent’s.
The Rite of Welcome takes place during Sunday Mass and includes the presentation gift of a Family Bible.
Here at St. Vincent’s we look forward to welcoming your family as you engage in the preparation to present your child for Baptism.
Following the initial enquiry, families will be asked to attend three group discussions with other families desiring Baptism for their children. Families will then have a choice of having a Baptism during a Mass or at another time.
“And remember I am with you always to the end of the age”. Mt. 28:20
For further information, please contact the Parish Office Tel: 0161 480 2489